Weather here has turned drastically from 50's to 80's and they expect 90's tomorrow. Not the best weather for painting outside as the bugs are rampant after the wet spring. Fortunately the mosquitos are big enough to eat all the black flies. Better painting on the coast where there is a breeze and no bugs.
Still working hard to prepare for the upcoming Cape Cod show. It will be interesting to see how the season is going to go with the economy in such a slump. I am optimistic and think the minis, which are affordable, will be a hit.
I am now using Golden's Open Acrylics. They are the closest I've found to painting with oils, without the fumes. Open Acrylics will stay wet for quite a long time which makes for better blending. The heavier your layer, the longer it takes to dry. It's a wonderful medium as it can look like oils or watercolor.
Looking for new places to paint en plein air. I belong to the NH Plein Air painters and we have a large membership that paints outside, on location throughout New England. It is free to join & everyone is friendly, knowledgeable and willing to share that knowledge.
#39 2.5"x3.5" $35